Deliverables of the Hungry EcoCities project

Deliverables of the Hungry EcoCities project

On this page you will find an overview of all deliverables that are made public as result of the Hungry EcoCities project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101069990. It will be updated throughout the project lifespan of 42 months (September 2022 – February 2026). The deliverables are linked to a workpackage. To understand the structure, herewith an overview.

WP1: HEC Knowledge Hubs
Wp leader: NethWork  (EatThis) (NL)

D1.1 Thematic Knowledge Hubs
D1.2 Contemporary agri-food AI urgencies framework
D1.3 Art-driven innovation matchmaking methodology

WP2: HEClab
Wp leader: Mendel University (CZ)

D2.1 HEC virtual fab lab framework requirements

WP3: Open Call & Matchmaking
Wp leader: FundingBox (PL)

D3.1 Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants
D3.2 Matchmaking
D3.3 Open Call outcome report
D3.4 Open Call Evaluation Report_final

WP4: S+T+ARTS Residencies
Wp leader: CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati (IT)

WP5: Business development and sustainability
Wp leader: In4Art (NL)

D5.1 PEDR plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results
D5.2 Communication and dissemination plan
D5.3 Hungry EcoCities Visual identity

WP6: Project management and coordination
Wp leader: Brno University of Technology (CZ)
D6.1 Project Quality Management
D6.2 Project Data Management Plan
D6.3 IPR Report

*To learn more on the consortium partners in Hungry Ecocities, please see: HUNGRY ECOCITIES Partners Interviews Series

Each deliverable is uploaded with a short abstract and, if applicable, lessons and reflections of the consortium. If you click on the deliverable, you can read the full text.

Deliverable nºD1.1
Thematic Knowledge Hubs

In this deliverable the consortium reports on the formalization of the Thematic Knowledge Hubs as part of work package 1. The knowledge hubs consist of members from the consortium and a number of selected external experts from industry, academia and the arts. The knowledge hubs will collaborate as a group throughout the project to feed, guide, process and scale the outcomes of the experiments. The focus hereby lies on setting the stage (content driver for the residency challenges) and preparing the ground to work on the expected outcomes and dissemination of the project.
The definition of a Knowledge Hub in our project is a (virtual) place or group dedicated to capture, share and exchange experiences with national and international partners in order to accelerate innovation and development.

Download link–-Thematic-Knowledge-Hubs.pdf

Deliverable nºD1.2
Contemporary agri-food AI urgencies framework

AbstractThis deliverable brings together the outcomes of the preparational work in Work package 1. During the first eight months of the project, covering the period September 2022 until April 2023, the consortium members dedicated a lot of effort into setting the stage and preparing the ground to work on the expected outcomes of the project.
This effort resulted in the following outcomes:
A/ the development of three knowledge hubs, see D1.1.
B/ the development of the Directions Booklet
C/ the development of the (AI) technologies

The purpose of this deliverable was to conclude the content preparational work before entering the first set of residency experiments, the Humanizing Technology Experiments, by presenting the Hungry EcoCities Contemporary agri-food AI urgencies framework.

Download link

Deliverable nºD1.3

Art-Driven Innovation HEClab
matchmaking methodology


This deliverable delivers a methodology for cross-disciplinary collaboration in the
Hungry EcoCities residency experiments: the Humanizing Technology Experiments
conducted by artists + a team from the consortium, which together form the core team and the Paths to Progress Experiments (PPE) conducted by artist + SME duos that in collaboration with a team from the consortium form the core team. The team from the consortium consist of a studio partner, a technical partner and an art-driven innovation partner, which jointly act as co-producer of the experiment. In this core team, entities from different worlds come together to share ideas, knowledge and skills in the pursuit of art-driven (technological) innovation. A good matchmaking process paves the way for pro-active, beneficial collaboration and spill-over potential after the

This version, submitted at the end of M8 of the project, April 2023, concerns the logic and set-up of the matchmaking process in Hungry EcoCities and the preparations for both sets of
experiments, which require different types of matchmaking. This deliverable will be updated on two occasions: in M24 and M36.

Download link

Deliverable nºD2.1
TitleHEC virtual fab lab framework requirements


This first deliverable or Work Package 2 outlines the requirements of HEClab, an innovative certification platform and opportunity scouting environment that will extend beyond the scope of the Hungry EcoCities project. This deliverable builds upon the matchmaking process described in Deliverable 1.3 and aims to formalize the process into a virtual fab lab.
The requirements have been identified by the project partners and serve as a starting point for the development of HEClab, which will be done as part of D2.2 (architecture) and D2.3 (integration).
The ultimate objective of HEClab is to facilitate the development, diffusion and scaling of high-quality, sustainable, and responsible AI art-driven projects within the agri-food industry.

Download link–-HEC-virtual-fab-lab-framework-requirements.pdf

Deliverable nºD3.1

Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants


This deliverable includes the package of documents for the First Hungry EcoCities Call – the Call for Artists and it is composed of the open call announcement, the Guide for Applicants (GfA), the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the Application form.

Download link–-Call-Announcement-and-Guide-for-Applicants.pdf

Deliverable nºD3.2



This deliverable delivers the process overview of the matchmaking set-up to prepare for the Hungry EcoCities residency experiments: the Humanizing Technology Experiments (HTE) conducted by artists + a team from the consortium. In this deliverable, the process and organizational structure of the matching is described.

The goal of this first matchmaking is the following: The matchmaking process for HTEs will result in innovative proposals.

The matchmaking took place on the level of the studio and the proposed direction, the selected technology from the toolbox and supporting universities and ambition on art-driven innovation. By facilitating at least two matchmaking calls between artist + studio & art-driven innovation mentor and artist + university & art-driven innovation mentor, we could start the acquaintance, get a better understanding of the proposal, provide feedback on how the collaboration could take please and support the pitching of innovative proposals during the Jury Days.

Download link–-Matchmaking.pdf

Deliverable nºD3.3

Open Call outcome report


This deliverable presents the outcome of the 1st Hungry EcoCities Open Call, Hungry
EcoCities residency experiments: the Humanizing Technology Experiments (HTE)
conducted by artists + a team from the consortium, as stated in the Grant Agreement.

This deliverable, D3.3, will be updated in M26 to provide the outcome of the 2nd open call: the Paths to Progress Experiments (PPE)

Download link–-Open-Call-outcome-report.pdf

Deliverable nºD3.4

Open Call Evaluation Report


The ‘Open Call Evaluation’ report (D3.4) presents the overview of the 1st Hungry EcoCities Open Call – Call for Artists, started on 1 March 2023 and closed on 15 May 2023.

The report details the selection process, the evaluation structure, including the eligibility check, in/out of scope screening, external evaluation, consensus meeting phase and jury day which led to the selection of the beneficiaries eligible for funding to the first residency Programme, the Humanizing Technology Experiments.
The report gives factual data on the open call statistics, including a lessons-learned
section and analysis of the whole process.


Drawing from the experience of the 1st Hungry EcoCities call, the following recommendations and lessons learned have emerged:

● The extensive feedback, both positive and negative, from the project partners and independent evaluators at every evaluation stage was met with high praise and deep appreciation from our applicants, emphasizing the importance of constructive feedback.
● A thorough analysis of artists’ participation in other financed projects is crucial to avoid double funding and availability issues, ensuring efficient resource allocation and avoidance of potential dropouts.
Steering clear of holiday periods for launching open calls or conducting legal checks, particularly in July-August and December, can help maintain project momentum and prevent disruptions, as well as increase the number of applications.
● Implementing post-open call surveys provides valuable insights for continuous improvement and refining our selection processes.
Regularly updating open call documents is essential to keep applicants wellinformed
and aligned with our evolving project requirements.
● Engaging the network in communication and dissemination efforts, with special emphasis on underrepresented countries, fosters inclusivity and broader participation.
● Providing comprehensive travel planning information from the moment the call is launched aids participants in navigating logistical challenges, contributing to smoother project execution when selected for the residency.

Download link

Deliverable nºD5.1

PEDR: plan for the exploitation and dissemination of

AbstractThis report is the first PEDR; the plan for the exploitation and dissemination of project results. It gives an introduction of the exploitation and dissemination activities executed at M6 and the ones planned for the subsequent period.

The Gannt chart with supporting activities of D5.2 will function as a monitoring dashboard to report on the results of the dissemination. As can be seen in the chart, most emphasis is on the final years of the project. This is deliberate, since the project wants to provide a safe room for experiments to test out, while putting an emphasis on communication on the results, spill overs and potentials.

The report will be updated on 4 occasions throughout the project duration: M6, M24, M36 and M42.

Download link–-PEDR-plan-for-the-exploitation-and-dissemination-of-results.pdf

Deliverable nºD5.2

Communication and dissemination plan


This deliverable articulates the communication and dissemination plan for Hungry EcoCities (HEC). It describes the strategy, tactic and operational tools and channels the consortium will put in place over the course of the project duration, and thereafter.
The communication and dissemination plan has two goals:
● Extend and raise awareness of the activities within the Hungry EcoCities project through targeted dissemination and information, including various media.
● To widely communicate the open calls when they are open for submission of the 20 art-driven experiments.

Download link–-Communication-and-dissemination-plan.pdf

Deliverable nºD5.3

Hungry EcoCities Visual identity


This deliverable provides the chosen visual identity that will be used for the project Hungry EcoCities. The visual identity follows the guidelines for S+T+ARTS projects. It will serve as a reference for the communication within the project and will be further implemented in action through the communication and dissemination plan (D5.2).

Download link–-Hungry-EcoCities-Visual-identity.pdf

Deliverable nºD6.1

Project Quality Management Plan


This deliverable presents the Hungry EcoCities Project Quality Management Plan with the purpose to serve as an easy reference to project quality practices throughout the project lifetime. It contains general project information, an overview of the project management structure, informs of project guidelines and document templates, publication processes, the quality management structure, and internal procedures adopted in the project, as well as financial management information. This document is complementing the DoA and CA and is partly based on EC guidelines, which it will not replace or overrule. This manual is a living document and it will be updated and amended as needed. The latest version of the manual is always available at the Hungry EcoCities shared workspace on ProjectPlace. The deliverable ensures efficient everyday overall project management and implementation of the project.

Download link–-Project-Quality-Management.pdf

Deliverable nºD6.2

Project Data Management Plan


According to the Hungry EcoCities Grant Agreement, this deliverable (in its current – project month 6 – instantiation) details the plan for the data management describing the data management methods, how the project-related data will be generated, processed, collected, stored and documented. One of the key activities of the project is to prepare technologies, organize 2 calls, run the selection process, choose winners, and organize residencies of 10 individual creative technologists in the first call and 10 mini-consortia consisting of an artist and an SME in the second call. The residencies in both the calls will result in artistic experiments that will primarily generate data to be managed within the project. This is the initial version of the Project Data Management Plan, prepared before even the first call for artists of the HEC project was prepared. Consequently, the content corresponds to the initial vision on the data management within the project and its updates – the intermediate one at project month 24 and the final one at the end of the project – will refine the strategy and report the actual approaches and data processes followed in the HEC project.

Download link–-Project-Data-Management-Plan.pdf

Deliverable nºD6.3

IPR Report


This document provides an initial version of the IPR report. It defines the project-wide context of the IPR protection and the form it will be specified in the M24 and M36 updates of the deliverable. The key description of the generated IPR and innovation will come from the project-supported artistic solutions and their presentations where the IPR situation description of the complete results will become a part of the final experiment documentation.

Download link–-IPR-Report.pdf


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101069990.