Paths to Progress Experiments ● HUNGRY ECOCITIES

Hungry Ecocities Paths to Progress Experiments

Hungry EcoCities

Paths to Progress Experiments

Hungry EcoCities Paths to Progress Experiments (PPEs) is a 14-month support programme designed to explore and address challenges identified by agri-food SMEs, contributing to the development of a healthier, more sustainable, and responsible future food system. These experiments will take place in the selected SMEs concrete test sites.

The program adopts a multidisciplinary, art-driven innovation approach. Initially, the SME collaborates with a consortium and a selected Creative Studio, aligned with one of the Hungry EcoCities directions (Mega Scale, Local Conditions or City+Farming Synergies). Through a matchmaking process, the SME is paired with an Artist, that will experiment in collaboration with the SME on its test site.

Tomato Brain by Jo Kroese
(BE)ETOGETHER x Maria Castellanos + lberto Valverde
The AI Cuisine by Alexandru Damian
Soil.Society by Nicolas Rotta
Compostable Altar: Offering to the Earth, by betiana Pavón
Harvesting Community by George Kettele
Quiet Storm: Music for Insects - Protiberia (ES) Insect farming + Samuel Van Ransbeeck (BE)
Phygital Seasoning by Laila Snevele
Air & Sprouts: Growing the Invisible by Haseeb Ahmed
Straw Return, by Isaac Monté

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S+T+ARTS - Funded by the European Union

The HungryEcoCities project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101069990.