Other Resources


We aim at building the main repository related to science-art and tech-art available online, and offer our community a single-entry point for collective knowledge on the co-creation process and the different elements that accompany the inclusion of the ARTS in Tech and Science.

All resources compiled are exclusively related to the SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY + ARTS field. They are classified by type:

  • Articles & papers
  • Books
  • Project & Programme reports
  • Toolkits

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Resources: Articles / Papers

Over three years, artists, designers, scientists and industry experts entered into the Re-FREAM co-creation processes. They strived to develop fashion based on shared values, shared processes and shared cultures. Read more in the Re-FREAM Manifesto.

Based on a field scan by the National Endowment for the Arts in collaboration with the Knight Foundation and the Ford Foundation. 2021.

Matthias C. Rillig , Karine Bonneval, Christian de Lutz, Johannes Lehmann, India Mansour, Regine Rapp, Saša Spačal, Vera Meyer, 2021

Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich, Leila W. Kinney, Skylar Tibbits, Rebecca Uchill, and Evan Ziporyn, 2019

Asmaa Youssef Mohammed Elmongi, 2019

Katerina Cizek and William Uricchio, 2019

Georgia Guthrie, 2013
Article produced in the frame of the Hacktory (US)

R. C Hoetzlein, 2009

David Bordwell, 2007

Linda Candy, 2005

Resources: Books

Rae Earnshaw, Susan Liggett, Peter Excell, Daniel Thalmann (Eds), 2020

Claudia Schnugg, 2019

Edited by Rae Earnshaw, 2017

Edited by David England, Thecla Schiphorst, Nick Bryan-Kinns, 2016

Cecilia R. Aragon, Sarah S. Poon, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Diana Aragon, 2009

Resources: Programme / Project Reports

Tom O’Dea, Ana Alacovska, Christian Fieseler, 2020
Report produced in the frame of Artsformation Project (GA no. 870726).

Ana Alacovska, Peter Booth, Christian Fieseler, 2020
Report produced in the frame of Artsformation Project (GA no. 870726).

Kirsti Reitan Andersen, Víctor Renza, Christian Fieseler, Fiona McDermott, Róisín McGannon, Aris Papadopoulos, 2020
Report produced in the frame of Artsformation Project (GA no. 870726).

The British Council, 2020

Nadav Hochman and Alex Reben, 2019
Report commissioned by EUNIC SILICON VALLEY.

Berthoin Antal, Ariane & Strauß, Anke, 2013
Creative Clash Report. Berlin: WZB.

Georgia Guthrie, 2013
Report produced in the frame of the Hacktory (US).

Resources: Handbooks / Toolkits / Booklets

WAAG, 2019
An online tool to guide you through the co-creative landscape.

Region Arts, activities linking ICT and ART – Interreg Project, 2019

Barendsen, L., Fischman, W., Gardner, H., Loker, M., Murray, B., & Redding, A. 2013
The good project. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Project Zero.