
Hungry EcoCitites Partners Interviews Series | KU Leuven

Interview with KU Leuven

Jens Bürger & Robin De Croon and KU Leuven´s role in the S+T+ARTS Hungry EcoCities residencies project.

Hungry EcoCitites Partners Interviews Series | In4Art

Interview with In4Art

Lija and Rodolfo Groenewoud van Vliet and In4Art´s role in the S+T+ARTS Hungry EcoCities residencies project.

Hungry EcoCities Humanizing Technology Experiments Winners

Humanizing Technology: Introducing the Visionary Winners of Hungry EcoCities’ 1st Open Call

Although agriculture provides citizens with essential produce, it is also responsible for almost 40% of annual emissions of greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide.1 With dredious effects of climate change and while still feeding the global population, we need to re-think how do we produce, consume, enjoy and disrtibute food. Hungry EcoCities is …

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