Announcing: Call for the S+T+ARTS AIR residencies coming in July!

Announcing: Call for the S+T+ARTS AIR residencies coming in July!

June 27, 2023

S+T+ARTS AIR is a new project that merges art, science, and technology to tackle the critical challenges confronting our society. At its core, it encompasses the shared essence and concerns of all Europeans and everything on our planet—the air we breathe.

Making the Invisible Visible

Air symbolizes environmental quality, a communal space for interaction, and a medium for expression that transcends borders and social divisions. It signifies sustainability, influencing our quality of life, relationships, and ecosystem utilization. Moreover, air represents beauty—an ephemeral element that uniquely shapes our environments and interactions.

In today’s technology-driven world, where citizen participation and human connection often take a backseat, the European Commission recognizes the pivotal role of cultural and creative industries in enhancing Europe’s competitiveness and driving innovation. By fusing art, science, and technology, we can unlock the transformative potential of the cultural sector, stimulate critical thinking, and offer fresh perspectives on the future of our society in the face of technological advancements and environmental impacts.

Introducing the Regional Centers

Our consortium comprises eight partners from five EU countries, operating in technology, research, industry, and culture, with the ultimate objective of establishing four S+T+ARTS HUBs:

+ In Germany: Stuttgart
+ In Spain: Barcelona
+ In Italy: Rome
+ In Slovenia: Ljubjana & Koper

+Tech, Science & Skill partners: High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Association for Culture and Education PiNAFundación Épica La Fura dels Baus, In4Art, Sony Computer Science Laboratories – Rome,  RCR LAB·A, and The Media Solution Center Baden Württemberg e.V.

These centers will serve as catalysts for artistic experiments through residencies, facilitating knowledge transfer sessions, workshops, and the production of the AIR festival. They will provide a platform for artists and stakeholders to showcase their innovative solutions and ideas.

They will promote the concept of art-driven innovation in the realm of air and facilitate artistic experiments through residencies. By fostering citizen participation, critical thinking, prevention capacity, and resilience, they will facilitate collaborative reflections on the theme of air. Additionally, these centers will create a space for impactful research and innovation through horizontal collaborations among the arts, science, and technology.

10 Residencies and Open Call Annoucement

As part of the S+T+ARTS AIR project, we are thrilled to announce our support for 10 artists through the S+T+ARTS residencies, distributing a total amount of 400,000 EUR. These residencies will offer a unique opportunity for artists to engage with the theme of air, exploring its significance and impact through their creative practices.

Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming OPEN CALL including specific themes and challenges, set to launch in July 2023.

In addition, we are excited to announce that we will be organizing two webinars for artists who are interested in the S+T+ARTS residencies. These webinars will provide valuable insights into the application process, opportunities, and the overall vision of the project. Stay tuned for more details on the dates and registration information.

This is your opportunity to be a part of the S+T+ARTS AIR project and contribute your artistic vision to the exploration of air’s significance in our society.

Together, let us shape a future where creativity, innovation, and resilience intersect.