A still from "Drone Aviary" Credit: Superflux

S+T+ARTS in the Cities

Series of exhibitionsJune-November 2024

S+T+ARTS in the Cities

Interconnected Realities: Art, Technology, and Sustainable Futures for the Cities

As an outcome of the eleven international residencies developed within the framework of the S+T+ARTS in the City residencies programme, a series of exhibitions and accompanying events will be presented throughout the Summer and Autumn of 2024 in six featured cities: Barcelona, Brussels, Linz, Ljubljana, Milan, and Porto.

S+T+ARTS in the Cities – Interconnected Realities explores the convergence of art, technology, and sustainability through the lens of eleven visionary projects. Each residency showcased in this series of exhibitions delves into the intricate relationships between human beings, the environment, and the ever-evolving digital landscape, offering unique perspectives on our collective future.

The artworks presented address topics that relate to the challenges faced by the European regions and society: human and non-human interactions, boundaries between natural and artificial, the exploration of sustainable and natural energy sources, the empowerment of individuals to reclaim agency, and the development of radical economic models for our food and agriculture system.

Thanks to the critical eye of the artists, the works challenge conventional boundaries and invite viewers to contemplate the interconnectedness of all living beings, highlighting the intricate dance between art, technology, and human experience in an era of rapid change. S+T+ARTS in the Cities – Interconnected Realities invites visitors to engage with thought-provoking installations that pave the way for a more ecologically conscious and socially impactful future impulsed at regional level all over Europe.

+ S+T+ARTS in…

Presentation of the Regenerative Symphony project by Studio Above & Below at the Sónar+D Exhibition
Dates: 13-15 June 2024
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Open Forum on Arts, Science & Technology
Date: 13 June 2024, 12:00 – 14:30 (CEST)
Venue: Room +2 – Sala VIP / Avinguda Rius i Taulet, s/n 08004 Barcelona
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Dates: 11-13 October 2024
I Love Science Festival

Dates: 4-8 September 2024
Ars Electronica Festival

+ About S+T+ARTS in the City

S+T+ARTS in the City is a S+T+ARTS residencies programme that invites the artists to address the challenges that European regions face today. The programme aims to produce artworks that combine art and technology in a creative and functional way, and that offer solutions to real-life problems in various sectors, such as green manufacturing, sustainable urban development, healthcare, digital literacy, and more.

S+T+ARTS In the City supports 11 artists through 5 Regional S+T+ARTS Centers’programme that includes a 9-month residency, as well as multiple exhibitions and events during the residency period and thereafter until November 2024.

S+T+ARTS in the City is funded by the European Union under grant agreement LC-01984766 under the STARTS – Science, Technology and Arts initiative of DG CNECT. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or DG CNECT. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.