July 2020 – December 2023


Under the vision of Value Of Joint EXperimentation (VOJEXT) in digital technologies, VOJEXT encourages producers and SMEs to adopt cognitive autonomous systems for human-robot interaction and dynamizes science-driven industry approaches engaging human and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) in the same loop. In this context, VOJEXT amplifies the cognitive capabilities needed to achieve more effective sociotechnical and business ecosystems. To this end, VOJEXT designs, develops, and demonstrates a cost-effective, market-oriented and easy-to-repurpose autonomous mobile robotic systems, which shall be a component of the smart, agile and scalable cognitive cyber-physical environment in the factories of the future.

VOJEXT brings new scenarios to the project, fostering creative, scientific and business driven innovation by engaging with artistic research through the S+T+ARTS initiative and linking with innovative SMEs under the umbrella of Digital Innovation Hubs (coupled with I4MS action).

VOJEXT demonstrates its value through 5 different experimental pilots, in 4 EU countries (Spain, Hungary, Italy and Turkey) and 5 different sectors (plastic textile, electronics, automotive, construction and creative architecture for urban regeneration); integrating traditional and non-traditional areas for AI-robotics and cognitive ICT developments. VOJEXT will integrate new technical and demonstrators partners during the project, to be selected through open calls.

COORDINATOR: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
PARTNERS: Fortiss GmbH (DE), Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów -PIAP (PL), Pôle EMC2 (FR), The Shadow Robot Company Limited (UK), Robotnik Automation SLL (ES), Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT), Tree Technology S.A. (ES), Technovative Solutions (UK), Universitas Nebrissensis S.A. (ES), Kontor 46 s.a.s. (IT), F6S Network Limited (IR), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG), Stichting Waag Society (NL), Officina Keller Lanificio Napoli S.R.L. (IT), PEMÜ Plastic Processing Co. Ltd. (HU), Acciona Construcción S. A. (ES), Osai Automation System SpA (IT), Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V (DE), Mercedes Benz Turk AS (TU).
Management Contact Person: Maria Eugenia (Xenia) Berltran (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES) ✉
Communication Contact Persons: Zeynep Birsel, Natalia Vargas (Waag Futurelab, NL) & José Gabriel Teriús (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES) ✉
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