STARTS4Africa – Open Call For Artists FAQ

Definitions and Keywords
How to apply
Application Process


+ Definition and Keywords

Who are the relevant actors in the STARTS4AFRICA Residency Programme?  

The STARS4AFRICA consortium is composed of 4 core partner organisations from 4 countries: INOVA+ (PT) (Coordinator), GLUON (BE), Ars Electronica (AT), and PINA (SL).

In this programme, they use their experience in the S+T+ARTS programme, especially the monitoring of residencies, to build a bridge with the host institutions in Africa. Through exchanges, trainings and mentoring, they will support the capacitation of the hosts in using the S+T+ARTS methodology in these particular residencies. The consortium partners support financially the residencies, and participate also in disseminating their results in Europe.

Within the Residency Programme, eight organisations in the 4 countries act as the Residecy Host Institutions:


+ From Tanzania: ONA STORIES and NAFASI

+ From Nigeria: GALLERY OF CODE

The partners build upon highly relevant backgrounds and profiles, the diversity, strength and experience of each partner and their extensive networks. The consortium strives to initiate, facilitate, and develop a focused dialogue in a balanced top-down, bottom-up approach, to raise awareness about the potential of art to act as a source for innovation and sustainable development.

The Innovation Catalysts

Each residency will be facilitated by an Innovation Catalyst from the Residency Host Institutions in Africa. This figure is the bridge-builder between all parties of the residencies. In STARTS4AFRICA, the Innovation Catalysts will function as an intermediary between the artists and the local experts. They will accompany the artists throughout the whole implementation of the residencies, to:

+ Provide a framework to structure the process, management (contract, administrative and financial), and facilitation

+ Curate and guide the project, see opportunities and articulate them

+ Provide mediation and translation between the fields, and find a common language

+ Keep conversations going, as communication is key to a successful collaboration

+ Guide the progress

+ Build up trust and relationships with and between core actors

+ Address conflicts that may emerge before or during the collaboration process

+ Deal with concerns among artists, scientists, and employees, and provide introductory information

+ Provide space for conversations, engagement, and exchange

+ Communicate with authorities and the media locally and beyond

+ Externally communicate the residencies and provide space for outreach about the project

+ Evaluate results for communication or feedback to the management of the organisation

+ Set up presentation moments, contextualise, and stage the outcome

The Local Expert Groups

Each Residency Host Institutions has gathered a Local Expert Group (LEG) involving 3 to 5 individual experts covering a wide range of stakeholders connected to the challenge. Participants have been chosen from all walks of life representing different sectors and perspectives, including, but not limited to civil society (research institutions, cultural institutions, educational institutions,…), private (industry, tech start-ups, business, media, …) and public (municipality, public-private affiliate, legislative, …) representatives. The LEG programme aims at supplying relevant expert know-how to the residencies and anchoring them firmly within the relevant regional contexts as well as national and global sustainability frameworks.  

The LEG programme is structured in 3 phases with the respective goals of 1) defining the residency challenge, 2) supporting in selecting the artist, and 3) supporting the artist during the residency period.  During the residency at least four meetings (either online or in-person) with the LEG are to be foreseen.

+ How to Apply

The application form doesn’t open on any platforms, how I do apply?

1. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: Can you try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies. Cached data might be causing the website to load incorrectly.

2. Try a Different Browser: Can you try accessing the website using a different web browser (Chrome / Firefox / Microsoft Edge) to see if the issue persists? This helps determine if the problem is browser-specific.

3. Disable Browser Extensions: Sometimes browser extensions or add-ons can interfere with website functionality. If you have any extensions, can you try disabling them temporarily to see if the website loads correctly.

4. Use Incognito/Private Mode: Can you try accessing the website in incognito or private browsing mode to rule out any conflicts with existing cookies or cache?

5. Try Accessing from a Different Network: If possible, try accessing the website from a different network (e.g., mobile data or a different Wi-Fi network) to see if the issue is related to their current network.

+ Application Process

I am already involved in another S+T+ARTS Residency Programme, can I apply?

If the residency is still running in 2024, you can’t apply for the S+T+ARTS Residency Programme. One artist can only receive a grant from one residency at the same time. This applies for contracts signed after January 1st, 2024.

I am not sure of what you expect in the challenge proposal, can you give me more details?

Please go through the Guide to Applicants to get all the information you need to apply to this open call. This is the ultimate reference document to guide you through the process.

Are practising designers eligible to participate?

The call is open to independent artists and art collectives only, not design studios. Applications will be assessed on the artistic quality of the applicant among others. This involves individually realised autonomous art projects. Commercial work does not qualify for this criterion.

Is it possible to apply for a challenge as a team/ involving various individuals Artists?

The call is only open to individual artists or collective of Artists. It is not eligible to apply together with your collaborator to the open call.

What can be considered “Artist” or “Collective of Artists”?

The definition of an artist is broad and can encompass individuals with diverse backgrounds, styles, and artistic practices. An artist is an individual who engages in the creation, expression, or exploration of art. They use their imagination, creativity, and skills to produce works that evoke emotions, convey ideas, or communicate experiences. Artists can work in various mediums, including visual arts (such as painting, sculpture, and photography), performing arts (such as music, dance, and theater), literary arts (such as writing and poetry), and more. Ultimately, an artist is driven by a passion for creative expression and has the ability to use their chosen medium to communicate, inspire, and connect with others.

A collective of artists refers to a group or organisation formed by artists who come together to collaborate, share resources, and pursue common artistic goals. These collectives can take various forms, such as artist cooperatives, associations, or collaborative projects. From a legal and financial identification standpoint, a collective of artists may be organised as, for example,  a legal entity, such as a partnership, limited liability company, nonprofit organisation, or other structure, depending on the goals and needs of the group. The collective of artists but be registered, and be able to provide a financial identification number (VAT or similar).   

+ Residency

Am I expected to be physically present throughout the whole duration of the residency?

No, it is not expected that the artists spend 6 months at the Residency Host Institution. At the beginning of the programme selected artists will be expected to travel to the Residency Host Institution for an in-person kick-off meeting. During the execution of the residency, some meetings (either online or physical) with the Local Expert Group (LEG) and/or Residency Host Institutions are to be foreseen. The exact dates and duration of the meetings will be arranged at the beginning of the residency by mutual agreement between the artist, the Residency Host Institution and the LEG. 

What is the language of the residency?

The primary working language is English but each Residency Host Institution might have individual requirements. Please consult the Open call to find out more.

+ Communication

How will the results of my work be made visible?

The projects developed in the 8 STARTS4AFRICA residencies will be disseminated via the website and social networks. In addition, each Residency Host Institution will organise specific events such as public presentations, talks and round tables dedicated to the project. Some of the works produced will be displayed, among others, at the Ars Electronica Festival 2024.

STARTS4AFRICA is co-funded by the European Union under the STARTS – Science, Technology and Arts initiative of DG CNECT (GA no. LC-01960720). Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or DG CNECT. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.