Valentino Catricalà


Valentino Catricalà

Curator, SODA Gallery, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Maker Faire-The European Edition

Valentino Catricalà (Ph.D) is a scholar and contemporary art curator. He is currently the curator of SODA Gallery in Manchester and lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is also the director of the Art Section of the Maker Faire-The European Edition, the biggest Faire on creativity and innovation in Europe and Art Consultant at Paris Sony CS Lab. Valentino has been the founder and the artistic director of the Rome Media Art Festival (MAXXI Museum), Art Project coordinator at Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

Valentino has curated exhibitions in important museum and private Galleries such as Hermitage (San Petersburg), Minnesota Street Project (San Francisco), New York Media Center, Stelline (Milano), MAXXI Museum (Rome), Palazzo delle Esposizioni (Rome), Ca’ Foscari (Venice), New Dheli Italian Cultural Institute (India), among others. He is the author of several essays (see and books such as “Media Art. Prospettive delle arti verso il XXI secolo. Storie, teorie, preservazione” (Mimesis, 2016) and the book “The Artist as Inventor” (Rowman & Littlefiled, 2021).