Ars Electronica
María José Molina Bravo
Head of Corporate Foresight, Greiner Innoventures
Born in Bogotá, Colombia. Industrial Designer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, MSc from the University of Applied Sciences Oberösterreich, currently researching on Corporate Foresight in the frame of her PhD in the Johannes Kepler University, Linz. At Greiner Innoventures, Maria is responsible for the process of observing and analyzing the forces that are shaping our future, and their implications for Greiner.
Furthermore, it is her duty to widely spread and discuss across the organization possible courses toward a resilient future. In this role, she is not only interested in the technical, scientifically or social changes transforming our world, but also in trends and movements emerging at the fringe with the potential of awakening waves of global change (e.g. cultural manifestations or local communities’ initiatives).