Maaike Verberk


Maaike Verberk

Managing director, DEN knowledge institute culture & digital transformation

Maaike Verberk is managing director of DEN, the Dutch knowledge institute on culture & digital tranformation. DEN is a sector supporting organization and supports the cultural and creative sector in its digital transformation.

DEN organizes programs on digital leadership and empowers cultural professionals in fields like online audience engagement, audience data and analytics, digital skills, digital business models, digital archiving and linked open data. Maaike is member of the European committee expertgroup on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana (DCHE) and member of the board of November Music and Theater Utrecht. Previously, Maaike was business manager with the largest theatre company in the Netherlands: ITA in Amsterdam, and business director of STRP art&technology Festival in Eindhoven.

Maaike studied Business Administration and Art & Art Policy at the University of Groningen.

Credit: Sebastiaan ter Burg CC