Ars Electronica
Jörg Fischer
Associate Professor / Institute of Polymeric Materials and Testing, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Jörg Fischer is an associate professor at the Institute of Polymeric Materials and Testing and a researcher involved in the LIT Factory. The LIT Factory of the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT),located at the JKU, is a networked teaching, learning and research factory. Together with a large number of partners from science and industry, the aim is to exploit potential through digitalisation along the value chain from plastics, product development and toolmaking to production and the ecological recycling of plastics in the sense of a circular economy.
As Senior Researcher and KeyResearcher, Jörg Fischer is significantly involved in cooperative large-scale research projects and contract research projects and coordinates the central interactions between the approximately 30corporate partners and 15 scientific partners in the cooperative large-scale research projects. The optimisation of processes in terms of the circular economy, recycling and upcycling of plastics or the production of polymer materials for solar technology are among his research interests.
He was involved in setting up and expanding the “Plastics Engineering” study programme at JKU, was repeatedly a visiting scientist at the University of Minnesota (US) and gave numerous lectures at international scientific conferences.