Gašper Beg


Gašper Beg

General manager/director, LokalPatriot institute

Born in Novo mesto, where cultural scene has always been strongly present, I found challenges and projects I identified with in this area during my high school years, and from which I have, to my great satisfaction, also managed to build my professional career. I started my work in the field of culture at the »Novo mesto Students’ Association« (DNŠ) and for almost a decade participated in the organization of various events and at the same time took care of the PR department. From 2012 to 2017, I was a member of the board of directors of the DNŠ and during that time I led all major events organized by the association.

Activism in the association also opened other doors for me – for a few years I led the technical team at “Škisova tržnica”, the biggest one-day student even in Slovenia, participated at the “FUKSi” festival as stage manager for three years, and was elected as head of the central municipal December festival in Novo mesto in 2016. The most important door that my activism has opened for me in is certainly the door of LokalPatriot, an institution whose founder is the Novo mesto Students’ Association. Already during my work for the association, I worked at the institute as an external collaborator and managed public relations there.

I also organized three club seasons of concert series named “DNŠ Sessions”, in which we hosted some of the most important Slovenian and regional music names. Cooperation with LokalPatriot grew into employment in 2018 – until the end of August 2020 I worked at the institute as an assistant director, manager of major projects and head of public relations. On September 1st, 2020, I took over my first term as director of the institute.