David Beijer


David Beijer

Director Innocubes, YES!Delft

David has a background in electrical engineering and entrepreneurship. His adventures in entrepreneurship and innovation started when he joined Epyon during his studies as a part-time employee, helping them with the development of Fast Chargers for Electric Vehicle. Epyon got acquired by ABB in 2012.

After a couple of years in a corporate environment he became a founder of several high-tech startups. These startups ranged in applications from cloud connected 3D-printers, grid energy balancing and manufacturing solar panels in a shipping container in the desert, using only local sand. Now he works for YES!Delft, a high-tech startup incubator, where he is responsible for the corporate startup innovation services.

In this program the innovation needs of corporates are linked to the world of entrerpeneurship and the start-up way of thinking.