Cand. Dr. Parichehr Scharifi


Cand. Dr. Parichehr Scharifi

Traffic Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Technische Universität Berlin

As a Traffic Psychologist and psychotherapist, Parichehr is working in Germany since 2010. She has finished her studies in clinical psychology 1995 in Iran. After six years working as a researcher at the University of Social Welfare of Tehran and the Ministry of Health in the field of rehabilitation and prevention of psychological disease with the focus of drug abuse, she has decided to continue her profession in Germany and started the health and clinical psychology at the University of Leipzig in 2003. After finishing her studies in 2006 she has continued her further education in psychotherapy (behavioral therapy) with the focus of scheme therapy and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment therapy) in Berlin and Leipzig.

During her further education, she learned the traffic psychology in Dekra Academy in Berlin and worked as a traffic psychologist in Germany and Iran. She has translated the main book of traffic psychology (Verkehrspychologie im automobilen Straßenverkehr) from German to Persian in 2011 and published it in Iran. As an active member of TPI (Traffic Psychology International), I.A.A.P. – International Association of Applied Psychology, ICTCT – International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety and ICADTS- The International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety She is offering workshops and seminars worldwide. Some of them in cooperation with Unicef, UNDCP and other governmental and NGOs. Her Ph.D. Thesis is about “empirical resource analysis in traffic psychological interventions“.

Currently, she is working as a scientist at the technical university of Berlin (ZTG) focusing on highly automated and connected driving in the digital test field projects.