Armando Montanari


Armando Montanari

Professor, SARA ENViMOB Srl, Rome Sapienza University Innovative Startup

Armando Montanari, deputy President at the Sara Envimob Srl Sapienza University innovative start-up since 2018. Professor of geography of tourism and human mobility at Rome Sapienza University (2007-2016), at the Master’s Programme in Human Ecology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1993-2000) and at the Master programme on Nutrition Sciences, Sapienza University (2010-2015).

Professor of Economic Geography of Tourism, University G. d’ Annunzio, Pescara (1998-2007). P.I. of the YMOBILITY HORIZON 2020 project (2015 – 2018) and of SECOA FP7 project (2009-2013).

Member (1993-2000) and Vice-President (1998-2000) of European Commission “European Consultative Forum on the Environment and Sustainable Development”, President of the European Environment Bureau, (1993-1998); Chairman (2000- 2012) of the IGU Commission on “Global change and human mobility”, responsible for the organisation of international conferences in Italy (2001 e 2005), USA (2002), South Africa (2002), Mongolia (2002), Spain (2003, 2009), UK (2003 e 2004), Australia (2006), China (2007), Tunisia (2008), Slovak Republic (2009), Israel (2010), Chile (2011), Germany (2012).

Project manager of the international projects: “Population processes in the urban and regional system” and “Tourism”, Scientific Programme on Regional and Urban Restructuring in Europe (RURE) of the European Science Foundation, 1988-1993;

“Innovation and urban development: the role of technological and social change”, 1987-1990; “Exploitation Advisor” for the EU Project “Multimedia and Geographical Information System based Tourism Applications Authoring System”, Esprit, 1993-1995. Responsible of numerous research projects at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) where he has been director of the Research Institute of Mezzogiorno Economics (1988-93); Scientific secretary at the International Social Science Council, Vienna Centre, where he coordinated the European research projects on “Costs of urban growth” and “Project Turin International” (1979-1983). He has published about 300 articles and volumes in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Japanese.