From 19 to 23 October 2022, Frankfurter Buchmesse will once again be the focal point for the international publishing industry. Be a part of it all when the key industry players, best-selling authors, and fans of culture from all over the world come together at the exhibition site.

Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 will be centred around the topic of translation in all its facets: as the only way for words to find their way out into the world, as the basis for the trade in literary rights, and for building understanding between cultures amid diversity. Through personal encounters at the exhibition site, we jointly create new perspectives with you – and for the future of the publishing industry and cultural diversity.

S+T+ARTS Prize is pleased to welcome you at the Fair as we celebrate and get to know projects at the intersection of Science, Technology and the Arts: three projects in particular from the pool of 2022 S+T+ARTS Prize winners and nominees will be featured in THE ARTS+ area and throughout the day on Friday, 21 October. 

Agenda of activities and happenings

11 am – 1 pm | Room Brillanz hall 4.2
Policy Event | Creative and Culture Industries: transform and innovate to enable new business opportunities
Being the Creative and Culture Industries (CCIs) an important source of growth and job creation in the European economy, and considering the new EIT KIC on the Cultural & Creative Sectors and Industries, the Music Moves Europe (MME) framework for supporting the European music sector, and further actions foreseen by Horizon Europe, it is crucial to focus on how to improve the connection between innovation coming from European research projects and business ecosystem and industries, aiming at support CCI’s market growth.

11-11:50 am | Frankfurt Studio | S+T+ARTS Day Talk: Gran Turismo SophyTM – or How to develop a personalized AI to beat world champions
Deep learning and algorithms: how do you develop an artificial intelligence that wins against the best drivers in the most successful racing-simulation video game Gran Turismo® Sport? Kaushik Subramanian, senior research scientist at Sony AI, will speak with Holger Volland, member of the board of brand eins and author (Die Zukunft ist smart. Du auch? / The Future Is Smart? Are You?). Gran Turismo SophyTM has already been reviewed in the scientific journal Nature.   Credits: Pete Wurman and the teams at Sony AI, Polyphony Digital and Sony Interactive Enteratainment

Courtesy of UNLESS, Credit: Delfino Sisto Legnani

12-12:50 pm | Frankfurt Studio
S+T+ARTS Day panel on How to combine scientific work with civic movement: Presenting the S+T+ARTS Prize winner 2022 “Antarctic Resolution” by Giulia Foscari / UNLESS
What do we know about Antarctica and how can we protect it? From chemists and climate scientists to logistics managers: 150 experts on Antarctica from various disciplines have contributed their knowledge to the book Antarctic Resolution (Lars Müller Verlag). Speakers: Guilia Foscari (architect and founder of UNLESS), publisher Lars Müller and creative director Marco Cendron (POMO). 

2:30 pm | Detektor.fm stage, THE ARTS+ | Hall 4.0 G59
Podcast Interview with Lars Müller on “Antarctic Resolution”

THE ARTS+ | Hall 4.0 F30 | Interactive Exhibition “The Glass Room”
Misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories – what makes information reliable or dodgy? The exhibition “The Glass Room” will be open on all five days of the fair.  The Glass Room has been nominated for the STARTS Prize 22.

6 pm | Detektor.fm stage, THE ARTS+ | Hall 4.0 G59
Podcast Interview with Muhammad Radwan (The Glass Room) on Deep Fakes and Fake News

THE ARTS+ | Hall 4.0 H83
S+T+ARTS Prize at the Collective Stand of Innovation Projects within the Börsenverein Group