Opening weekend of the Renaissance 3.0 exhibition

»The Next Renaissance«, the European platform of the EIT Culture & Creativity, develops perspectives of radical change.

EIT Culture & Creativity partnered with ZKM | Center for art and media Karlsruhe and the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg to launch the Renaissance 3.0 exhibition curated by Peter Weibel.

Free registration for The Next Renaissance symposia and workshop Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus on the opening weekend is available here.

While art has traditionally focused on capturing what we can see with our natural eye, science has been exploring the hidden wonders of the microcosm and macrocosm since the 16th century using nifty instruments. In today’s digital age, artists are embracing these same tools and techniques to create mind-boggling works of art.
This blending of art and science is leading to a new era of creativity, where the boundaries between these two fields are becoming increasingly blurred. Somehow we are experiencing a new Renaissance, where art is being infused with scientific rigor to unlock new possibilities and push the limits of our imagination.

+ EIT Culture & Creativity: an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). A Knowledge and Innovation Community designed to strengthen and transform Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) by connecting creatives and organisations to Europe’s largest innovation network.

+ ZKM | Center for art and media Karlsruhe: a unique cultural institution worldwide, because it is a place that expands the original tasks of the museum.

+  Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg: the focus of the MSC BW is to connect scientific and technical capacities to companies and projects in the media and cultural landscape.