[SURVEY] Effects of COVID-19 on the European Cultural and Creative Industries

[SURVEY] Effects of COVID-19 on the European Cultural and Creative Industries

March 26, 2020

Canceled fairs, festivals and concerts, closed clubs and theatres: The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are already economically affected by the spread of the corona virus.

Default insurance policies either do not take effect in the event of force majeure or simply do not currently accept insurance claims. Not only organisers are affected, but also agencies and numerous freelancers in performing arts, film and music as well as clubs, fair and festivals, basically all who are active in the broadest sense in the event business. As from now, this will effect in the long run the whole of the CCIs and turns into a unpresented affair with incomprehensible economic and social effects.

European Creative Business Network (ECBN) is an advocacy institution for the European culture and creative industries. With this survey, ECBN would like to assess the potential impact on CCI sector in the coming weeks in order to be able to formulate current support and relief recommendations to European Policy Makers. In the foreseeable future ECBN will publish the survey results.

ECBN ask for your support in reaching CCI. Forward, post and share this information.

More details on http://ecbnetwork.eu/urgent-survey-effects-of-covid-19-coronavirus-on-the-european-culture-and-creative-industries/