Verbier Art Summit: ”Resource Hungry: our cultured landscape and its ecological impact”



EncounterJanuary 29 and January 30 20219 a.m. - 5 p.m.

To celebrate the Verbier Art Summit’s fifth anniversary on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 January 2021, the Summit launches a new virtual platform and invites leading artists and thinkers from all over the world to deepen debate on: RESOURCE HUNGRY: OUR CULTURED LANDSCAPE AND ITS ECOLOGICAL IMPACT.

The open and participative online programme features three new talks by Claudia Comte, Tom Battin and Naine Terena, as well as five new debates from Beijing, Verbier, New York, São Paulo and London, and a special artist residency debate that will count with the participation of Ralph Dum (a senior expert from the European Commission and instigator of S+T+ARTS), Kasia Molga (a multidisciplinary artist that recently has successfully finished the STARTS Residency ‘By the Code of Soil’) and Danielle Siembieda (the creative director of Leonardo/ISAST), and will be moderated by Nicholas Henchoz (director of the EPFL+ECAL Lab and one of the active partners of STARTS Residencies/Vertigo).

Each debate and talk will be streamed live on the Summit’s virtual platform and simultaneously on the Summit’s social media channels at the programmed times detailed below. A live 10 mins Q&A session with the panelists will follow after each debate. As the platform has participants globally, all debates and talks can also be viewed on demand throughout the two Summit days.

The Verbier Art Summit is an international platform for discourse in a non-transactional context. The Summit connects thought leaders to key figures in the art world to generate innovative ideas and drive social change.