STARTS UrbanFest – Science + Tech + Arts collaborations to shape cities of the future



STARTS EventJune 29 and June 30 20219:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.

STARTS Urban Fest explores the ways in which collaborations between science, technology and the arts are leading towards a more sustainable development around the world, with a positive impact on the economy, the environment and on society.

How can science, technology and the arts help us to imagine, explore and prototype responses to the urban challenges of post-pandemic society? What opportunities can arise from collaboration between scientists, engineers and creatives? And what’s their impact on society? STARTS Urban Fest explores perspectives, visions and collaboration frameworks from all over the world.

The festival gathers lead experts from policymaking, urbanism, design, social innovation, arts, science and many other sectors, to discover how these interdisciplinary collaborations are able to spark disruptive production processes and breakthroughs in scientific research.

The programme revolves around three main themes:

+ Green Digital Cities
+ Onlife communities
+ Human/Post Human

These will be explored across different sessions:

+ Inspire: Keynote speech to imagine a future where the relationship between science, technology and the arts is a catalyst for innovation processes.

+ Debate: A series of debates to stimulate reflections on issues relevant to the urban future, with a focus on the role that industry, scientific research and artistic contribution can have in this scenario.

+ Learn: Successful case studies about projects that, thanks to the collaboration of artists with companies and research institutions, have managed to push forward the boundaries of technology and science and to respond to some of the most pressing challenges in our cities.

Why should you attend the Festival?


+ You work in a big organisation or in an emerging startup and you are looking for inspiration for new projects;
+ You run an artistic organisation or you’re a creator looking for new opportunities;
+ You are a researcher or a student interested in finding out how to collaborate with other professionals;
+ You manage funds and investments in innovative projects;
+ You are a research centre/organisation and want to experiment new frameworks of collaboration;
+ You want to learn from peers and want to connect with them.