RE-FREAM at Wear It Live: Fashiontech / Berlin Fashion Week 2021

Berlin Fashion Week 2021 – 18-24 Jan. 2021


STARTS TalkJanuary 21 20216 p.m. - 8 p.m.

On 21st January, Re-FREAM artists and technical partners from all the three hubs (Berlin, Valencia and Linz) will share their experiences at the virtual conference “Wear It Live: Fashion Tech” that will be held during the Berlin Fashion Week 2021.


Fashion industry follows different rules than electronics, and with innovative technologies in material procurement and fashion design and smart materials, the world of FashionTech is growing at a rapid speed. What distinguishes the fashion industry from the electronics industry and how the new common space here can connect both industries and promote new business models.

The “Wear It Live: FashionTech” event is taking place within the frame of the Berlin Fashion Week 2021, bringing together experts from all related fields of fashion and technology to discuss the future of digital fashion and dive into the world of smart textiles.

With more 15+ international brands like H&M Lab, Telekom Germany, Holst Center, and the Re-FREAM artists and technical partners from all three hubs (Berlin, Valencia and Linz), this event already has become the biggest digital event/platform for FashionTech for 2021.


  • Panel Discussion (45 min)
  • Startup Pitches (30 min)
  • Re-FREAM Block (45min)
    • Product Pitches: 30minutes
    • Breakout Sessions: 15minutes
  • Networking (30 min)
  • Expo (30 min) (The audience can visit the partners’ virtual company booths and network.)


Antje Hundhausen-Vice President Brand Experience at Deutsche Telekom
Oliver Lange– Head of H&M Lab Germany at H&M
Charlotte Kjellander– Team Lead of Wearable Electronics Group at Holst Center/TNO
Leon Szeli– Co-founder at Presize
Chhail Khalsa– Founder at Anuvad
Jeff Montes– Creative Director at Studio Adaptive Skins
Emanulea Corti– Co-founder at Witsense
Giulia Tomasello– Interactive Designer at Alma
Ganit Goldstein– 3D Fashion Designer & Shoes Designer at Ganit Goldstein
Michael Wieser– CEO & Co-founder at Yokai Studios GmbH
Devina Popat– Founder and CEO at Trend Tech Trade
Leo Hong Wu– Founder and CEO at Lumeo Technologies
Thomas Gnahm– CEO and Founder at Wear It Berlin GmbH

WEAR IT LIVE: virtual conferences series

“Fashion Tech” is one of the events of “Wear It Live” series, a global platform and series of virtual events focused on wearable and close to body technology. The mission of the series is to foster the exchange between stakeholders of the wearable tech industry and professionals interested in the topic of close to body devices & services.