Sònica Lòpez
Curator, Independent
Sonia López. Graduated in Art History by the Universitat de Barcelona. After more than 15 years of experience working for museums, now she’s an independent professional since 2019. Expert in digital curation, storytelling, content distribution formats, art, culture and communication.
She has curated and produced Speculars , a podcast series for the Institut Ramon Llull. She is also executive producer for Archivo Oral Picasso , a project of Museu Picasso Barcelona, Museo Reina Sofía and Musée Picasso Paris. Other works are in progress for MeV Museu d’Art Medieval and Museo Picasso de Málaga. She has also worked for L’Internationale, Fundación Amigos Reina Sofía, Agència Catalana de Patrimoni, Museu d’Art de Girona and Galería José de la Mano.
From 2002 to 2017 she was Head of Digital Media at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA). From that position she was the founder and director of the award-winning Ràdio Web MACBA (2006 – 2017), a pioneer project in the use of the podcast format and radio experimentation in the museum context. She also created the digital publications Quaderns portàtils and several video series such as the Fons Audiovisual per la Col·lecció .
She is also a visiting professor in the postgraduate course on Strategic Management of Museums and Heritage Centers at the Universitat de Girona.