Ars Electronica
Oliver Schrot
Urban Climate Coordinator, City of Linz
In his role as urban climate coordinator Oliver Schrot supports the mayor and all other members of the Linz city senate in developing and implementing the local climate strategy with the overall aim to reach climate neutrality by 2040 latest.
He is also a member of the municipal climate council. Holding a double-degree master in environmental sciences from the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna) and the University of Copenhagen he was working from 2017-2020 at the University of Innsbruck as PhD-Student and lecturer. His cumulative dissertation in Geography focusses on climate adaptation education with adolescents and high-end climate change. On a regular basis he reviews for scientific journals like Climate Risk Management or Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
He is an active supporter of the Scientists 4 Future – Upper Austria initiative and has expertise in climate risk management (mitigation and adaptation) as well as sustainable development.