Marta Pegueroles
Scientist, UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Marta Pegueroles Neyra (Barcelona, 1978) is an Industrial Engineer and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). She is Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Deputy Director of Promotion and Studentships at the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE-UPC). She is the author of several publications in high impact indexed journals, and has contributed in numerous national and international conferences in the field of biomaterials. She has carried out predoctoral research stays at the Université Paris XIII (Paris, France) and at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, INEB (Porto, Portugal).
She has participated in the drafting and execution of several funded projects, as well as in the co-direction of doctoral theses and master’s and degree projects. Dr. Pegueroles focuses her research on the development, manufacture and surface modification of biomaterials for cardiovascular applications with the ultimate goal of integrating the biomaterial implanted in the affected arterial tissue. In particular, it focuses on three lines of study: the development of zinc-based biodegradable metal alloys and the control of degradation through coatings; the fabrication of polymeric and metallic stents by 3D printing; and surface modification (bioactivity, topography, drug release, radiopacity) for the acceleration of endothelialization and the reduction of restenosis and thrombosis.