Jordi Morató i Farreras
PhD in Microbiology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Jordi Morató has 30 years of experience in research, education and management of sustainable human development projects, related to resources (water, soil, biodiversity), health and nature-based solutions (NBS) and the circular economy and participatory community development at local and regional level.
PhD in Microbiology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia since 2008.
He is one of the founding members of the network RECYCLING THE CITY -RECNET- ( and director of UNESCOSOST offices network (, with 15 offices in Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Perú and México. Since January 2020, is a member of the coordinating committee from the NATURA network (
The main focus of his research is on the field of water quality and health, nature-based solutions and appropriate technologies for water purification and wastewater treatment, sustainable water management including water management and adaptation to climate change, resilience, circular economy and the realization of urban and socio-ecological transformation projects.
Coordinator of the project REAGRITECH LIFE11 ENV / ES / 579 “”Regeneration and reuse of runoff and drainage water in agricultural plots by combined natural water treatment systems””, 2013-2016,on the circular economy of nutrients (nitrates) and water in agriculture, and the project ECORKWASTE LIFE14 ENV / ES / 000460 “”Integrated and sustainable management of cork waste generated in the cork industry””, 2015-2018, on the circular economy of the cork sector and its integration in the wine industry. Also, coordinator of the PRIMA project SureNexus “Ensure fair NEXUS transition for climate change adaptation and sustainable development implementation based on coupled nature-based systems and bioeconomy”, that will be developed from 2022 to 2024.
Jordi has also coordinated three reports from the COTEC Foundation on “”Situation and Evolution of the Circular Economy in Spain””, appeared in 2017, 2019 and 2022. He has made more than 300 scientific and / or dissemination publications, including scientific journals, books and communications in congresses, is an evaluator of 22 international journals and has participated in more than 80 internationally funded research and training programs (1996-2021).