Art Hub Copenhagen
Emmy Laura Perez Fjalland
PhD, MA. Part-time Lecturer at Roskilde University, Department of People & Technology, Roskilde University
I’m a cultural geographer and planner doing research, writing and teaching. I work with socio-environmental world-making and eco-cultural responses to environmental change in troubling times. My main sites are seminatures, urban natures and agriculture and the associated social organisations, and the tensions and relations between local, national and international power, knowledge and response-abilities.
My main three focus areas are on care, reparation and regeneration, commons and commoning, and ecological (in)visibility and literacy. I work with more-than-human and feminist geographies and environmental humanities, and I seek to explore the connections between critical thinking and the current dialogues, concerns and explorations of environmental doom, more-than-human ontologies and ecological world-making practices.
My PhD focused in these connections and concepts by empirically exploring agriculture, cooking, the food and waste, and the urban-rural landscapes of these practices and matters. I hold a background in working interdisciplinary with humanities (crossing philosophy, history, language, and culture studies), a Master of Arts in Geography and Planning Studies , and a PhD in Social Sciences.