Charis Theocharous
European Affairs Officer, European Office of Nicosia Municipality
Mrs. Charis Theocharous (female) works as a European Affairs Officer at the European Office of Nicosia Municipality since September 2004. She holds an MA degree on European Studies and Politics from London Metropolitan University, an MA in International Relations from Kent University and an MBA from the University of Cyprus. Her main responsibilities include evaluation of proposals for European projects, preparation and submission of proposals, participation in the management, implementation and dissemination of European funded projects. She is the contact person and represents the municipality in a number of European and international organizations and networks and has participated in a number of conferences and seminars both in Cyprus and abroad.
She has a good knowledge of EU policies. She has been a Project Assistant/ Manager/ Coordinator in a number of European funding Programmes and has participated in seminars, conferences and workshops in EU. She is the coordinator of RISE Teaming Projects.