Ariadna Miquel Amengual
Ajuntament de Barcelona, Urban Strategy director, Barcelona city hall
Architect by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya since 2001, and Master in Urban Landscape by the same university since 2010, has worked as a free-lance architect in several projects related to urban planning until 2007. Since 2007, she is working at the Chief Architect Office of the City Council of Barcelona. Actually, she is Director of Urban Strategy at Urban Ecology Area. She has lead strategic urban projects as the transformation of Glòries Square or La Modelo prison.
She is also responsible of the implementation of Superblocks Program in the city, including the first experience in Eixample grid, in Poblenou, or the Superblock’s consolidation in Sant Antoni. She is specialized in projects of urban regeneration, with an interdisciplinary and integrated vision from ecology and mobility policies, with experience on participation and project management.