Snowball & Gluon
Alexander Deweppe
Professor Sound Design, HOWEST
Since 2019 Alexander Deweppe is the coordinator of the Sound Design Major at the Digital Arts & Entertainment Faculty of Howest University of Applied Sciences. He was the director of medialab Quindo, a spin-off of Howest University College of Applied Sciences and guest lecturer for Howest JRN/TRM/DAE, UGent BA/MA Art History and VUB-SCOM BA programs. From 2012 to 2016 Alexander was a Senior Researcher at the Digital Cultures, Policy and User Research Units at the iMinds–SMIT-VUB & Cemeso-VUB research groups at Brussels Free University. Focused on policy-preparing research for the Flemish Government PRCs for Culture and Media. From 2008 to 2012 Alexander wrote a PhD-thesis in the field of Systematic Musicology at the Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music (IPEM) of Ghent University. Focused on the study of sociological and user-centred parameters to facilitate the adoption of embodied music mediation technologies in different segments of the cultural sector.