Inside the S+T+ARTS 4 Water networking events
STARTS4Water Networking events are unique opportunities for S+T+ARTS artists-in-residency and their hosting organisations to present the evolution of their work and get feedback and advice from various stakeholders. They are also an opportunity to discuss and raise awareness on the regional water challenges.
On March 11th, consortium partner, V2_ organised a 3×3 event with their STARS4Water artists Mark IJzerman (Port of Rotterdam S+T+ARTS Residency) and the Center for Genomic Gastronomy (Drought in Waterland S+T+ARTS Residency). Experiments, as an essential part of every day art practice, lie at the heart of 3×3 events. 3×3 events are organised by V2 so that the public can witness the artistic experiment, which becomes a unique experience, as with every experiment no one knows what the experiment will lead to.

Mark IJzerman (S+T+ARTS residency Port of Rotterdam) said about this evening:
“During the first 3×3 I wanted to test the different elements that make up my installation, put them all together and get into conversation with visitors about the current ideas I was working with. Also asking the audience questions about my project (‘what object does most signify economic growth for you?’) led to interesting conversations. While I am still reflecting, some things that stuck after physically seeing and assessing my progress in this stage are for example that the different elements could ‘clash’ more, as well as around now might be a good time to involve the partners from the industry again. Above all it was great to get into conversation with others about the work. I am still receiving reflections from visitors this week! “
Artists from the Center for Genomic Gastronomy (S+T+ARTS residency Drought in Waterland) said:
“At the first 3×3 event we were able to prototype a series of props, scripts and concepts with a public audience. During the 3-hour event we tested out different permutations, and received interesting feedback and questions from visitors. We had a number of visitors that expressed interest in following up on the project, and wanted to know more about the possibility of getting involved in the future. “

TBA-21 as well, the STARTS4Water consortium partner hosting the two “The Future of High Waters S+T+ARTS residencies organised a networking event. During the event, the S+T+ARTS4Water artists in residence introduced their work and initial research on the Venice lagoon, its waters, biology, and myths, followed by a discussion with some of their key local partners. Sonia Levy with Alexandra Arènes, Meredith Root-Bernstein, and Heather Anne Swanson presented their participation in the regional challenge “Nature-based Solutions For the Venetian Lagoon”, followed by Diego Delas and Leonor Serrano Rivas introducing the challenge “Geo-Engineering Solutions For the Venetian Lagoon.”
The exploration of the Venetian reedbeds by artist Sonia Levy in collaboration with Heather Anne Swanson, Meredith Root-Bernstein, and Alexandra Arènes has led them to the restoration work of the saltmarsh undertaken by We Are Here Venice and Life Lagoon Refresh, key actors in the maintenance of the lagoon, who will also join the event. Leonor Serrano Rivas and Diego Delas encourage ways of looking into the MOSE, the lagoon, and Venice, where magic and science collide in seemingly impossible, yet foreseen futures. Both presentations challenge the distinction of nature-based and geo-engineering solutions, which present a closer alliance than expected.
This event is an opportunity to hear the voices of people and organizations who have a long-standing relationship with the lagoon and engage with new perspectives to find points of interconnections between existent and new research concerning the complex lagoon ecosystem.
This event has been produced by TBA21–Academy and Ocean Space in collaboration with S+T+ARTS4Water artists- in-residence program with the support of Ca’ Foscari Alumni, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia.