Better Factory Second Open Call for Full Proposals from Consortia

Project Full name:Better Factory
Publication Date: 01 September 2022, at 00:00 (CEST)
Deadline for Full Proposals submissions:  15 November 2022, at 17:00 (CEST)
Maximum funding request per consortia application: Up to EUR 200,000 EU Funds.

Web address for full open call information:

Better Factory is an EU initiative to help European manufacturing companies to become more competitive in the global market.

Through two rounds of Open Calls, in total 16 consortia composed of 3 members – one manufacturing company, one artist and one technology supplier – will be selected to participate in a Knowledge Transfer Program. 8 selected consortia per Open Call, referred to as a Knowledge Transfer Experiment (KTE), will be supported to design new product lines and deploy automation solutions in the factory. The beneficiaries will receive financial support, training and other technical and business services throughout the one-year collaborative experiments. In the 2nd Open Call, 9 KTEs got selected.

Applicants will have two and a half months to complete the full proposal. Support from Better Factory will be provided to complete the full proposal.

Who can apply?

Consortia composed of One Manufacturing Company, One Technology Supplier (both of the type SME/Mid-Cap or Slightly Bigger Company)and One Artist (either of the type SME/Mid-Cap or Slightly Bigger Company or a self‐employed individual). All entities must be  registered in a Member State of the EU or in a H2020 Associated Country.

The Better Factory consortium, coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland), includes 28 partners from 18 European countries representing arts ecosystems, technology competence centres, industrial clusters, tech suppliers, artist suppliers, business developers, legal framework and communication and dissemination.

For further information, please contact You can also ask your questions at the Helpdesk space of Better Factory.