Artsformation Open Call | RESISTANCE: Decolonising Europe’s Digital Transformation

Artsformation Open Call | RESISTANCE: Decolonising Europe’s Digital Transformation

Deadline: 15th May 2022, midnight CET

ARTSFORMATION invites you to apply to the RESISTANCE Residency hosted in Lesvos-Greece. The Residency will bring together professionals from the fields of art, culture and creative industries in a dedicated space where they can express their voices in shaping the future of Europe’s digital transformation through their practice. The Residency will enable multidisciplinary creative professionals to challenge established power structures and empower the communities they serve in cohesively responding to 21st Century digital transformation challenges.

ARTSFORMATION invites you to apply to the RESISTANCE Residency hosted in Lesvos-Greece. The Residency or Europe’s citizens and communities, particularly those with a vulnerable, marginalised and socio-economically excluded background. We believe that arts & culture have the capacity to invigorate communities and civil society into creating a united advocacy front strengthening active citizenship and  social cohesion at a community and European level. This is a moment of opportunity to systemically reconstruct a resilient civic fabric and shared democratic space, capable of inducing systemic change and reframing the present narrative of survivability to one of sustainability and resilience.

Through this open call ARTSFORMATION invites multidisciplinary and diverse professionals from the arts, culture and creative industries to become part of this vision, by joining the RESISTANCE Residency. The residency offers a safe space of encounter, dialogue and co-creation for the birth of an ecosystem that amplifies the voices of artists and cultural practitioners, and returns power to excluded communities for the purpose of systemically changing the digital hierarchies that deprive them from access, opportunity and means

RESISTANCE residents will be invited to collaboratively ideate and co-create unconventional training tools for peers, policy makers, businesses, and the public to tackle digital and social inequalities arising from the digital transformation. Further, residents will engage in participatory action, peer learning, and civic engagement as mechanisms for social change. This will help in streamlining the formation and mobilisation of a European artistic community which proactively responds to the challenges of the digital transformation. Each residency cycle concludes with a public exhibition in Lesvos, where the artistic outputs, tools, and toolkits developed will be presented to key stakeholders and the public.


APPLY HERE – DEADLINE: 15th May 2022, midnight CET

For more info, visit