Art and Water: a publication inspired by STARTS4Water

Art and Water: a publication inspired by STARTS4Water

We lack a sustainable approach towards water and a well-balanced relationship with the natural world of seas and oceans. Combined with the impact of climate change, water issues create enormous global challenges that require systemic change. To systematically transform how water is valued across business practices, policies, cultural beliefs and behaviors, we must ad- dress social attitudes to keep us and the environment healthy.

The book Art + Water provides imaginative new ideas on water issues and invites us to rethink and reinvent our society. Five essays and ten texts highlighting the artistic projects developed as part of the EC-funded STARTS4Water program provide a fascinating overview of cultural and artistic approaches to urgent water challenges.

Book cover

Table Of Contents

Editors: Introduction


René ten Bos: The Rhubarb Sea: Why Sick Seas make more Money than Healthy Ones
Barbara Baert: Rain, Water, Cave
Claudia Schnugg: Artscience Collaboration: Serendipity and beyond Innovation
Andri Magnason: What it means to Witness the great Mythological Water Disruption caused by the hidden Fire.
Daniela Zyman: Thalassophilia

STARTS4Water Residency Projects

Haseen Ahmed: Pharmaceutical Pollution (text: Piero Bisello)
The Center for Genomic GastronomyFood Forest Fantasies
Sonia Levy, Heather Anne Swanson, Meredith Root-Bernstein, Alexandra Arènes: Points of Life: Co-constructing Fragments in a shifting Lagoon
Carlos Loperena and Alexandros Vaitsos (Deca Architecture): Learning from Poulati (text: Giorgos Sachinis)
Anna Ridler: The landscape of Finance
Leonor Serrano Rivas and Diego Delas: Breathings of the Moon
Theresa Schubert: Glacier Trilogy
Robertina Sebjanič: The Echinoidea Future – Adriatic Sensing & Marjan Zitnik: S.M.A.R.T. Urchin
Joshua G. Stein:  Dissolution / Reconstitution: Sediment as Cultural Heritage
Mark IJzermanPier Pressure


Art + Water is edited by Joke Brouwer, Boris Debackere and Arie Altena as part of the STARTS4Water program, a European collaboration lead by Luca School of Arts, that counts on the participation of Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, (IT), V2_ (NL), UrbanDig project (GR), UR Institute (HR) and TBA21.

The publication was financially supported by the city of Rotterdam, the Creative Industries Fund NL, STARTS4Water and the European Union.

You can order the publication here: