STARTS Talk at MAAT Lisbon: Is the IoT ready for the human kind?

STARTS Talk at MAAT Lisbon

Is the IoT ready for the human kind?

STARTS TalkFebruary 26 20195 p.m. - 7 p.m.
MAAT Lisbon

STARTS Talk on “Is  the Internet of Things (IoT) Ready For the Human Kind? Introducing the Experience Readiness Level Protocol (ERL)”

26 February 2019, 17-19h
Venue: Museum for Art, Architecture and Technology, EDP Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal.

STARTS Talks is a series of presentations and discussions, bringing together prominent practitioners and speakers to present their work and vision on highly relevant subject from a perspective of the interactions between Science, Technology and the ARTS.

This STARTS Talks happens in direct interaction between STARTS and the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme – LSP. The programme fosters the deployment of IoT solutions in the European Union by integrating advanced IoT technologies across markets value chains. It demonstrates multiple IoT applications in real life scenarios in large scales and in distinct contexts. The IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme is an investment of 100 million Euros for on the ground innovation.

The round-table discussion will develop around a case study artwork created within the LSP’s programme. The Connected Hennery is a provocative artwork applying technologies made available by the LSPs in an avant-garde post agricultural context. Also  ERL will be introduced, an emergent innovative protocol of matching technologies with human needs: the Experience Readiness Level. ERL was born in counter-point with the Technology Readiness Level. TRL ponders the reliability of a technology from a point of view of the technology itself while ERL looks at a technology from a human perspective.

This STARTS Talks edition takes place in Lisbon with presentations and contributions by relevant players in the global creation of IoT.

Attentive schedule
17h00 – 18h45   STARTS Talk  
19h00    Cocktail

Moderator: Peter Wintlev-Jensen (European Commission – DG CONNECT)


  • Luís Miguel Girão, Artshare
  • Leonel Moura, Artist
  • Luís Lamela,  Altice Labs
  • Ovidiu Vermesan, CREATE IoT