Robots are people too. Human & Technology. Co+Learning


Human & Technology. Co+Learning

STARTS TalkDecember 8 20207 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Can one learn to become human? And what does this human-ness entail? The performative robots in the works of the artists Patrick Tresset, Madeline Gannon and Justine Emard all mirror and represent certain human traits and behavior, such as presence, expression, movement and, most importantly: the ability to learn.

During this S+T+ARTS Talk, organised by Waag, we will take a closer look at human and technological co-learning within the arts. This online meetup will entail artist talks and a panel discussion with experts from the field of advanced robotic technologies.

This talk also marks the beginning of VOJEXT, a new Digital Innovation Hub that, during the next 4-years, will contribute to increase the understanding of advanced robotic technologies – both on a personal and societal level – and takes as its focus point collaborative human-robot environments.