Contaminations between Arts, Science, Technology: new pathways of innovation


Contaminations between Arts, Science, Technology: new pathways of innovation

STARTS TalkNovember 13 20204 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

How do artists and creatives contribute to the innovation of research and processes in the scientific and technological fields? What models of collaboration can we put in place to encourage new opportunities for dialogue between the cultural and technological industries?

As part of the Regional STARTS Centers, Nesta Italia, with the contribution of CRT Foundation, organizes an online meeting dedicated to exploring successful local and international collaborative experiences between traditionally separate sectors, which are rediscovering a common working ground capable of generating new forms of entrepreneurship, developing skills and entire territories with a view to sustainability.

During the talk – preceded by the interventions of Marco Zappalorto (CEO, Nesta Italia) and Massimo Lapucci (General Secretary, CRT Foundation and General Manager, OGR Torino) – will intervene speakers of international level, with different backgrounds from design to science: Giulia Tomasello (Interaction Designer , winner of S + T + ARTS Prize 2018), Erica Villa (Head of Programming, Science Gallery Venice), Prof. Mario Rasetti (ISI Foundation President), Jasmina Tesanovic (Writer, Filmmaker and Activist).

The meeting is aimed at professionals in the technology sector (companies, startups), science (research centers, universities), cultural managers and art curators, professionals and researchers in the humanities, in particular art, design, architecture.


Introduction: S+T+ARTS project in Piedmont
Marco Zappalorto, CEO Nesta Italia
Massimo Lapucci, Secretary General, Fondazione CRT , General Manager , OGR Torino

Exploration: when Art can change the use and perception of technology
Case study – presentation by Giulia Tomasello, Interaction Designer, STARTS Prize 2018 Winner

Focus: Intersectoral collaborations
Prof. Mario Rasetti, Presidente, ISI Foundation
Jasmina Tesanovic, Scrittrice, Filmmaker, Activist
Erica Villa, Head of Programming, Science Gallery Venice
Moderator: Simona Bielli, Head of Programmes, Nesta Italia

Nesta Italia is promoting the CALL “City of the future”, open to Artists, Collective and Creatives from Italy and all over Europe. Submit your proposal by 30 November 2020. KNOW MORE
On 17 November, Nesta Italia will host an online Q&A focused on the callKNOW MORE